90 Days Till Christmas

An awesome Monday, Pinays! Let’s start our week right by reading a pretty basic financial advice. We all know that the Christmas season is right around the corner, right? So we’re probably thinking of gift ideas for our friends and relatives as early as now. Hold your horses for now. Let’s see how you can…

Homecooked, Carinderia or Resto Dining?

As promised, last week The Peso-Pinching Pinay blogged quite heavily on investments, savings, and your licensed financial advisor. This week, let’s all take it easy. Let’s talk about some readily-applicable tipid tips for moms, career women, and Pinoy families in general. I have advocated on buying ingredients from the palengke (local market) and cooking your family’s…

To Have More Desire Less

I guess what our family desires now is to have more in terms of savings and financial security than luxury and “porma”.